RESOLUTE highlight

  • Triple J & Triple J unearthed: Feature artist for the week (starting 25th March) AUS nationwide

  • KAUX Song of the day during SXSW, Austin 13th March

  • SYN Radio high rotation

  • MONDAY SPIN (Official Spotify Playlist)

  • ANTIDOTE (Official Apple Music Playlist)



My latest single "Freedom" was originally conceived as a lullaby for my grief, anger, and pain — emotions that seemed to have nowhere to go at the time. 

Writing this song was a way for me to witness my difficult emotions without the need to hide, ultimately allowing me to embody love from a more authentic and light space. 
As the song grew, so have I.
'Freedom' has evolved into my anthem for self-liberation. 

Whether your fight for freedom is personal or political, I hope this song can be a sonic-space where we can all simply bear witness to our difficult emotions in freedom without the need to fight or change them. 

I know that process can pave the way for profound healing in collective ‘us’. 

I’ve intentionally left the lyrics simple, to allow for the listeners to have your own dialogue and journeys. I hope the song grows with you too.

The soaring and jazz-heavy saxophone melodies dance freely with volatile production bass and drums in this track. This was an improvised jam session with the incredible Josh Archoleo, whom I met that very day. 

This almost comically emotional song has ignited some beautiful dialogues within myself and with people around me and connected me instantly with strangers too. One conversation that resonates deeply is with Dimas Prasetya, an insanely talented Indonesian film director whom I also  met on a dancefloor. We shot the music video a couple days after impromptu, and it is one of my most proud work to date. His reflection, "Directing this music video, it was the first time I felt like myself," reminded me of the transformative power of music and collaborations. 

Hope is discipline, an intentional practice. A lifelong spiritual journey. 

Like love, we need love.

Elle Shimada - 嶋田会希



SXSW, USA schedule